Thursday, April 11, 2013

1.5 weeks away....

from the tough mudder. My team started out as 4 people. One has a tear in his medial collateral ligament so he is out of the event, but he's still going down to cheerlead. The second one is now 50/50 on it because he's got some other stuff that he's involved with, and he can't afford to get hurt. And the third no longer works here, says that he was back on for running it two weeks ago, but I haven't heard from him after sending an email a couple of days ago. So it's possible that it just might be me running it, which is ok. I'll hook up with people as I need to to get through anything.

On the workout front, I have found a kid out of California on youtube, thef0rtress (Pavel), who has some really good videos on body weight workouts. Specifically related around bar workouts. I soooooo want to be able to do a muscle up that I am looking at every "How To" video i can find. I went through one of Pavel's workouts the other night and didn't do too bad even though I had to substitute a thing or two.

Original workout:
5 muscle ups
45 dips
25 pull ups
55 push ups
5 muscle ups

I had to change the muscle ups to jumping muscle ups since I can't do them yet, and he uses parallel bars for the dips. I had to use a low balance beam type thing with my feet on the ground. His time was a little under 6 minutes. I finished in 12 minutes 15 seconds. The longest part of it by far for me was the pull ups. 

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